KI ChatGPT 15-05-2024 weltall 2 1500x500

Project Facts

ki chat gpt 15-05-204 project facts 1024x591

Project period:
12/2023 – 11/2025

Project leader:
Jorge Moran Garcia, ANavS GmbH

Coordinated by:
Project Officer, Elena Lippi, EUSPA (European Union Agency for the Space Program)

Funded by:
European Union under The FUNDAMENTAL ELEMENTS Programme

Our methodology

To achieve the very challenging objectives of this project, the following phases will be conducted.

Concept definition. Aimed at describing the target application(s) and user requirements. It also covers the description of the HW and SW features that would be developed within the project.   

System Requirements. The user requirements identified in the previous step are flowed down to different SW and HW components comprising the system.

Architecture and Detailed Design. The overall concept is captured in a system architecture. The algorithms that will be employed in each element of the system will be designed and described in this step. 

The AI/ML training methodology will also be defined in this phase as well as the approach to obtain or generate the training datasets.

Development. The different subsystem modules and algorithms will be developed as per the system specifications and interfaces defined in the previous phases.  

Sub-System and Integration Verification. The hardware and software modules will be tested to prove that each sub-system complies with its own functionality at individual level. Some additional tests will be conducted to verify that all HW and SW components are properly integrated.

System validation. DREAM prototype will be set-up in a bus and tested in a real environment. 

Transversal to the activities the business and dissemination plan will be defined and implemented.

The objective of this work package is to manage the project to ensure that the team will reach its objectives. This work package will provide overall co-ordination in the administrative and technical domains of the project

The objective of WP1 is to select and justify the project target application and to define the user-level requirements. On top of that, a state-of-the-art review of existing AI/ML methodologies and algorithms applicable to the project will be conducted. As an outcome of this review, a preliminary design of the ML models and Neural Network architectures to be developed in the project will be presented.

This workpackage covers the design activities, including the flow down from user to system requirements, the detailed algorithm and neuro networks design, the selection of the system COTS as well as the architecture definition. It also cover the definition of the AI/ML traininig methodology for each algorithm

Aimed at designing and implementing the DREAM prototype of the bus driving aids support sub-system. It also includes prototype testing and AI/ML datasets selection and generation.

This work packaged is aimed at 1) designing and specifying the validation tests cases and procedures to verify the proper implementation of the system and user requirements, 2) executing and reporting the tests as per the procedures defined and agreed at CDR (for sub-system and integration tests) and TRR (for validation and demonstration tests).

Define and execute the dissemination activities  to effectively communicate key findings and outcomes of the DREAM project to relevant stakeholders and ensure maximum impact and reach. Our key goals revolve around informing, engaging, seeking collaboration, and generating client interest and acquisition

This work package is aimed at defining and implementing a business plan describing the strategy to exploit the project results. 
